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  1. Skull

    What to take

    Hey guys, Right, I usually forget stuff when I go to LANs, So i felt i will make a list, and let you guys see if theres anything blaringly obvious that i've left off of the list, so here goes: NEED PC Monitor Keyboard Mouse Headphones Power Cables (monitor, pc, Ext HDD) DVI Cable Multiplug...
  2. Skull

    Star Wars: The Old Republic BETA

    Signups now open for the beta for SW:TOR /me wants /me cant get... You have to be 18+, which is why i cant get
  3. Skull

    iPhone coming to Orange

    Win? here come the price cuts Source
  4. Skull

    DFI Hybrid - Two PCs in one. Holy crap this looks cool.
  5. Skull

    Dust 514 Dust 514 New console based FPS-RTS-MMO from CCP (Makers of EVE) Something to watch...
  6. Skull

    EVE Online unleashes Unholy Rage on in-game currency traders

    The developers of EVE Online hate it when players buy and sell its in-game currency. So they did something about it, banning over 6,200 paid accounts, which has led to a huge drop in server utilization. Read
  7. Skull

    Pirate Bay Backup Now thats what you call thinking ahead XD
  8. Skull

    iPhone 3Gs Jailbroken iPhone 3Gs jailbreak - from geohot
  9. Skull

    Original Source Engine Dosent Work in Directx 9 mode

    Hi would anyone know why when I load any of the original source engine games - e.g. Counterstrike: Source or Half Life 2 - it goes to a screen like the attachment. i can get the game running fine through using the -dxlevel 80 launch option through steam, but this annoys me when it should be...
  10. Skull

    Russian hairdresser turns stickup merchant into sex slave i think this can be classed as owned...
  11. Skull

    Reccomend me a new sound card

    Only two things it has to be - 5.1 at least and not creative, if im right about my motherboard
  12. Skull

    PS3 Controllers Running in Windows

    Right, before i start getting pointed at and called names for owning a ps3, can i ask that that is done not in this thread. Right, with that out of the way i can post this link: This guide does work, have just followed it, and it worked fine for me, am...
  13. Skull

    Zeropunctuation on EVE Zeropunctuation reviews eve online. Enjoy XD
  14. Skull

    Unreal Tournament 2004 Score

    Attached, the score screenshot from the Deck17 instagib first-to-100 match played on the sunday. well done PseudoPhreak p.s. did anyone manage to get a picture of my pc while it was dead? XD
  15. Skull

    Games List?

    is there a games list decided yet for BL10?
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