Search results

  1. Skull

    Respawn Entertainment

    I've been reading around a bit tonight, and found good news for FPS gaming - Respawn Entertainment, made up of mainly ex-call of duty staff (at least 40 people from infinity ward joined RE). They ARE working on a new game, however it is going to be a long way off for the moment. Also, reading on...
  2. Skull

    Happy Birthday Bloodnok!

    Happy Birthday dude, hope it's a good one! :)
  3. Skull

    Starcraft 2 - Replay

    Hey guys, If anyone wants the SC2 replay from last night's zergling lulzfest, it's in my public dropbox here - I also tweeted that to day9 earlier, I'll let you guys know if he comes back with anything :P
  4. Skull

    BreachLAN 18

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to announce BreachLAN 18. This will be another 72 hour event, spanning Friday 29th July - Monday 1st August This LAN will be held at Logie Durno Village Hall. We will shortly be opening up payments, so please hold tight and we hope to see you all there! :)
  5. Skull

    URGENT: Projector Screen (Or thereabouts) Needed

    Guys, if anyone is passing an asda or somewhere that will have a white showercurtain, a white douvet cover or has a projector screen that we could borrow for the console corner, can we borrow it for the weekend please. Thanks BreachLAN Staff
  6. Skull

    IRC @ breachLAN 16

    Yes, that's right. IRC is back! At breachLAN 16, we are reviving the internal IRC server :D For those people who haven't used IRC before now, why not give it a go, join us on #breachlan on the Quakenet Network. There's usually someone actually around, although currently most people in the...
  7. Skull

    Pendulum - 10th December - Aberdeen

    Who else is going? I am going, along with my girlfriend and some friends, just wondering if anyone else from breach is going? ***Edit by gemini*** Meeting at the Pittodrie Bar on King Street @ 4pm for a pre-concert drink. Everyone welcome to join. Would be nice if you would let us know too so...
  8. Skull

    Happy Birthday SwiftTempest

    Hope it's a good one dude, the big 21!
  9. Skull

    Gary's Mod - Steam

    Gmod on steam is currently £2.99 for anyone who doesn't already own this. The offer is due to it now being released on macs, and lasts until 30th September
  10. Skull

    One Day To Go!! :D

    Well, That's me about to shut down for the night and do lan packup, see you all tomorow at BreachLAN 15 :D god damn, I need to be less hyper about this, but it's hard.
  11. Skull

    PLEX system change

    Straight from Main points:- Sounds interesting
  12. Skull

    I Hate Mountains Custom L4D1 Campaign, only released yesterday. might go download it... official site
  13. Skull

    Happy Birthday Dave!

    Happy Birthday Dude, Hope it's a good one.
  14. Skull

    Happy Birthday BLACKALiCE

    (starting this now since you haven't actually got it on your profile that it's yer birthday today :P) Anyway, Happy Birthday Dude, Hope it's a good one!
  15. Skull

    Tyrannis Launch Date?

    Don't overly know, as I haven't been on recently (planning to get it back after exams, with eve one thing does lead to another and I find myself on for hours...), some of you may have seen this when logging into eve, but by the look of things, CCP have announced next Tuesday, the 18th May for...
  16. Skull

    Best Buy Coming to the UK So, have any of you guys had any experiences with the US chain Best Buy? Also, how long you reckon before we get one up in scotland, and more specifically, aberdeen?
  17. Skull

    Best use for a mac mini ever.

    Evar. :D
  18. Skull

    Left 4 Dead 2 - Badwater Basin? Found this today, not a L4D2 owner myself, but I think some of you guys will get some enjoyment out of this :D It's pretty much a working port of the badwater basin payload map from TF2 :D Enjoy =P
  19. Skull

    Counterstrike Promod

    Who else has heard of this? By the sound of things its bringing a lot of the features that made CS1.6 great over to the source engine. I personally think it looks really sweet, the HUD looks especially nice. The latest beta has just been released - 1.04 You can find out more, and download the...
  20. Skull

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multplayer Beta

    For any other PS3 owners - We can get the Battlefield BC2 Multiplayer beta - 19th of november. Pc gets an open beta sometime in december also, so hopefully this will prove better than the disaster that is MW2.
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