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  1. Skull


    Hey Guys, You know the score by now, but for anyone new, we do a big pizza order on the Saturday night of the LAN. We use Papa Johns for this, and they deliver to us at the event! The order form is now open, and it will run up until the Wednesday prior to the LAN. You can find it on the main...
  2. Skull

    (Re)Introducing IRC

    For those already using IRC, check us out at #breachlan on So this evening I brought back something that had not been on the website for a VERY long time - our QuakeNet WebIRC page. You can access it at Home > Community > IRC WebChat If you want to properly join the room but...
  3. Skull

    Happy Birthday Eklipze

    Happy Birthday Dude - Hope it's awesome!
  4. Skull

    Google Play 25pence apps - Day 2 There's a couple of things in there, especially World of Goo - if you don't already have it on android I say that you should get it now!
  5. Skull

    And We're Off Again!

    Welcome to the BreachLAN 23 forum! BreachLAN 23 is a 48 Hour LAN, from the 16th to the 18th November, 2012. The Early Bird offer is here already, and you can now buy tickets for £26.50! Please note that the early bird offer expires on the 19th of October, at which time the price will rise to...
  6. Skull

    BreachLAN 22: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Well, BreachLAN 22 has passed and I hope you guys all had a brilliant time! As usual, if you wanna post your Good/Bad/Ugly stuff in here and we will see what we need to improve on for the next event! Cheers guys!
  7. Skull


    Hey Guys, A few updates from BreachLAN HQ :) First off, there is just over ONE week to go til the next LAN. If you're still on the fence about coming, I'm going to second what Deep Blue has already said and say that you will not regret coming to the LAN. I went to my first event about 3...
  8. Skull

    Pizza Order Up

    Same system as last time guys - On the website - Next Event > Pizza Order Remember that papa johns only do stuffed crust pizzas in LARGE and not any other size, so please don't try it (I might publicly name and shame this time round :P) gogogogogo! (direct link)
  9. Skull

    BreachLAN #22 Game Nominations

    Hey Guys, The poll can be found on the website here (Home > Next Event > Game Poll), and it is now open! Please note that only users who have paid for the lan will be able to vote (and if you've only just paid then it might take a while for me to give you the ability to vote!) - how's that for...
  10. Skull

    BreachLAN Public Game Servers

    Hey Guys, Just to let you all know we have the following game servers up almost all the time (unless there's an issue or maintenance going on) TF2 Normal: Prophunt: (Down pending update to Prophunt) MvM (#1):
  11. Skull

    Mann Vs Machine update ^^ More there!
  12. Skull

    ClusterLAN #1

    Ok guys, I've decided that I will host a LAN at my place. Due to size constraints I can only really have 3 people here as well as myself. Dates: 12th - 14th October Location: My Flat, EDINBURGH Postcode: EH6 8RD 1. Skull 2. Bloodnok 3. ZeroG 4. BlitzThose First Come First Served. For...
  13. Skull


    First post in the breach 22 forum :p Only 10 and a half weeks to go already! Tickets are now available (early bird and all) and the seat map should be refreshed for the new event.
  14. Skull

    TF2 - Meet the Pyro

    Is it almost here? - (that was posted yesterday)
  15. Skull


    Hi Guys, After some discussions yesterday there has been a slight change to the price of paying at the door for BreachLAN. All details about the pricing currently are on the front page of the website. Cheers :)
  16. Skull

    World of Warcraft: The BreachLAN Brotherhood

    That's right guys, after however long of us all saying we've played it at one point or another, about 10 of us took the plunge yesterday and sent off scroll of resurrections and we've got a guild going :D We are still going to be going strong on Eve as well, but wow is a little side thing...
  17. Skull

    BreachLAN 21 Game Nominations

    Hey Guys, We're running our game nominations slightly differently this event, in a poll format. The poll can be found on the website here (Home > Next Event > Game Poll), and it will open on Friday night, when the early bird ends. Please note that only users who have paid for the lan will be...
  18. Skull

    The BreachLAN 21 Pizza Order

    Hey Guys, Alright, you know the drill by now, it's pizza order time. The pizza order is for the Saturday night of the LAN, the 7th July. ORDERS MUST BE IN BY THE 2ND JULY. We're using Papa Johns Aberdeen again, however with one change to the way we place our order with them in the fact...
  19. Skull


    So Inferno has hit, what does this mean? Here's a glance at CCP's list of overhauled stuff: Missiles + Launchers Graphics Updates War Dec Kill Mails Mercenaries Factional Warfare Character Creator Changes Unified Inventory Incursion Changes Effects Bar Various other UI changes All taken from...
  20. Skull


    Hey Guys, Just to let you all know, we're migrating to new hardware currently. We're going to try and keep everything running as smooth as possible however during this migration various things may be a bit slower while the server we're currently on is sending stuff to the new server. We'll...
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