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  1. Skull

    Gameserver Down

    Hey Guys, The gameserver is currently down while we perform some essential maintenance. It will be back shortly. Thanks.
  2. Skull

    New(ish) PC Build

    Hey Guys, So as you will have all heard at some point - my pc is fairly old now (I'm still on a Core2Duo! XD) I'm looking at replacing the motherboard/cpu/ram/case and combining that with my graphics card that I've got at the moment for a newish system. What do you guys think of the specs...
  3. Skull

    Welcome to the new forums

    Welcome guys, to the new forums! If you've got any questions about where stuff is post them here and we'll try to help :)
  4. Skull

    BreachLAN 20 Feedback - Good, Bad and the downright Naasty

    So the first of our four lans this year down, and while it is still fresh in people's minds I'll get our usual feedback thread fired off. We will have our response to these up when there's a reasonable number of replies, we do actually take note of these messages - we're always striving to...
  5. Skull

    BreachLAN #20 Pizza Time

    Hey Guys, Ok, as per usual we have the BreachLAN Saturday Night = Pizza Night, and as per previous events, we are using Papa Johns for nommy goodness! This order is for the Saturday Evening of the lan - 14th April - and we generally get this in about 19.00 (pending confirmation with PJs). You...
  6. Skull

    Now back to me.

    That is all.
  7. Skull

    Mumble Dead

    Hi Guys, It seems this morning mumble has fallen over and died on us (the clients, not the server) This seems to be an issue with a windows update & the digital signature / certificate that mumble uses - expiring that certificate. I'm trying to see if there's a workaround we can use or if we...
  8. Skull

    Eve Online Resources

    So now there's a group of us getting back into eve, I'd like to start a bit of a collection of resources for anyone to use. This post has moved to the Corp Wiki: The below is only kept as reference and is out of date. General: EveMon -...
  9. Skull

    Happy Birthday Deep Blue

    Happy Birthday SexyDexy! :D Hope it's a good one! :)
  10. Skull

    The BreachLAN Name Tag

    Hi Guys, After the discussions on mumble recently, over replacing the old [BreachLAN] tag with something shorter, as the current one kinda obliterates the actual person's name in quite a few games. If you guys could vote on the above poll for the new tag, to decide which one people prefer...
  11. Skull


    OHai guys. Those of you who've been on mumble the past few nights will know I've thrown up an openTTD server. (point your 1.1.4 client at - there's a map up that gets reset each evening currently) I want to propose a game, starting 12 Mid Day on Saturday. It will then...
  12. Skull

    BreachLAN 19 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

    Hey Guys, Post your feedback from the lan here - we're always looking for ways we can make the lan even better for you guys! I'll start: The Good Prophunt was awesome Papa Johns, Delivering Hot Tasty Noms! Brilliant to meet the new guys! The Bad Steam sales screwing up restoring of backups...
  13. Skull

    Burnout Paradise for Free - Origin If you're not opposed to origin and don't already have burnout paradise, you could get it for free. Don't know how long this will be around for though.
  14. Skull

    Happy Birthday Husky!

    Happy Birthday Scottish Husky Hope it's a good one! :)
  15. Skull

    BreachLAN Saturday Night Pizza Order

    Hi Guys, You know the drill by now - We're using Papa Johns Pizza in Aberdeen - Menu can be found here In order to secure a nice discount for you guys along with delivery we really need everyone who has already paid to put down their pizza orders by the 11th of November in this thread! The...
  16. Skull

    Planned outage

    Hi All, Just to let you know, the forum might be temporarily unavailable on Friday Evening (Probably around 12) while Dex and I perform some maintenance work on the web server. I would expect this to be finished within an hour, although in reality it will probably be much less. We will be...
  17. Skull

    BreachLAN 19

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to announce BreachLAN 19. This will be a 48 hour event, spanning Friday 25th Nov - Sunday 27th Nov Again this LAN will be held at Logie Durno Village Hall. We will shortly be opening up payments, so please hold tight and we hope to see you all there!
  18. Skull

    BreachLAN 18 Picture Thread!

    Post up your pictures and link to them here! :) My Photos Bloodnok's Photos
  19. Skull

    CounterStrike: Source Tournament Rules

    This is a 2vs2 tournament. Round 1 will be in a round robin style, with the top 4 teams advancing to the semi finals. For these matches, it will be a MR9 setup - Each team plays 9 rounds each side (ie, a max overall round limit of 18 rounds). To decide which team plays CT and which team plays T...
  20. Skull

    BreachLAN Game Night - Team Fortress 2 - Weds 20th

    Date: Wednesday 20th July Time: 8pm onwards Where: (BreachLAN Public TF2 Server) Let's have our next game night on wednesday night! For best lulz, come on mumble too! :D
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