Right it's that time of year to start getting back into the thick of things. Who's interested in going next Sunday?
1. ZeroG
2. Flukes
3. Dod
4. Coob
5. Socks
I have booked 2 rentals at the moment as spares.
Anyone interested in a code for one of the games below? Only £5 each. Will have 6 in total (One of which is Sleeping Dogs)
Thief (Not out until Feb) Flukes
Hitman: Absolution
Sleeping Dogs
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon Olleran
Dirt 3 AC
Well tomorrow I start my journey to Dreamhack Winter 2013. I shall be flying to Gatwick tomorrow just after 9.30am, getting to Gatwick approx 11am - where I will have a 7 hour approx wait until I get picked up :)
This http://goo.gl/maps/HnRS5 is the route we shall be taking (Me starting at...
anyone interested in a QPAD MK50 Mechanical Keyboard, comes with the wrist rest.. I've posted a link with the specs below. Looking for £50 for it.
It looks like they have rolled back yesterdays gig update as it is causing more problems than it fixed. Yes that's another gig update to download Coob. Seems they should test their patches better.
Some really cheap games. Some say you get a Steam key others don't so some may be standalone games.
Bought myself a little present last night (Fluke's fault of course for linking)
http://www.airsoftworld.net/vsr-11-rif-sniper-rifle-black.html with scope kit :D
Following the success of our first trip we're looking to attend the next event on Sunday 23rd June. If you are interested in coming please put your name down below.
1. ZeroG
2. Sirflukesalot
3. Knottyboy
4. Bloodnok
Please note that the days are actually Sunday 9th June and Sunday 23rd June NOT Saturday.
I know we have tried this before but anyone interested in airsofting.
Post below to confirm if you want to attend on the 9th June. Will see how many we can get confirmed then confirm the site are able...
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