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  1. ZeroG


    I know it's a bit short notice but I don't suppose anyone is interested in seeing Avengers at Cineworld tomorrow? Times are in the following link.
  2. ZeroG

    Jet Crash Surprisingly no fatalities.
  3. ZeroG

    Game Well it's official :( Wish I had used my 11k points now.
  4. ZeroG

    Someone made a boo boo :)
  5. ZeroG

    CompTIA Is something like this even worth doing ? Deal is on for the next 15.5 hours or so.
  6. ZeroG

    Panda Security

    Not sure if Panda is a good brand these days but this could be a good deal for someone. A 5 year licence for £9.00
  7. ZeroG

    Death of the PC Couldn't have happened at a worse time. The motherboard has an onboard checker for the RAM and it boots the pc and says it's ok. Tested different combinations of RAM in different...
  8. ZeroG

    4TB of storage goodness Hopefully once the supply starts flowing again we might see this appear here.
  9. ZeroG

    All the Ramz Insane price for 16GB of RAM for today only.
  10. ZeroG

    Not sure on MW3 ?
  11. ZeroG

    Much Ramage RAM isn't half getting cheap these days.
  12. ZeroG

    Cinema Gaming

    Came across this in another forum and thought it might interest some people.
  13. ZeroG

    Age of Conan

    Just got an email from Funcom. Seems like Age of Conan has now gone free to play for anyone interested.
  14. ZeroG

    Thermal Conductivity Anyone tried anything like this before? Might be better and easier than the stuff that comes in the syringe type container.
  15. ZeroG

    Pub Lunch 2011 ?

    Not had one for a while now. Maybe see if we can arrange something for the near future ?
  16. ZeroG

    Site Bug?

    Just noticed this little bug/feature. Start at then go to forums then click on Home at the top and you get:- Just thought I'd point this out.
  17. ZeroG

    Sandybridge Motherboards

    Does anyone have a recommendation of a good motherboard that would support the latest Sanybridge processors? I think my motherboard might be on it's last legs as it's doing some funky crashing at the moment. It might be the time to look into an upgrade. Overclockers have some bundles but they...
  18. ZeroG

    RISK: Factions

  19. ZeroG

    Post SSD Woes

    Hopeing someone can give an insight into what might be going wrong. After installing the new SSD and Windows 7 when the pc is booting up it sits on the Windows logo for starting up for almost 5 minutes before the login screen appears. The BIOS is set to AHCI - Latest motherboard drivers are...
  20. ZeroG

    Battlestar Galactica Online Enjoy :)
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